Oct 19, 2020 9:45:00 AM
Jill Duran
One of my favorite quotes, even before the COVID chaos is, “adapt or die.” I love its jarring nature. Straight to the point! There is so much truth in those three words. Unfortunately, it’s exactly what most businesses and organizations are theoretically being faced with. Personally or professionally, the idea of becoming so comfortable with how things are that you stay in the same state and are ... Read More
Oct 19, 2017 8:44:00 AM
Emily Smith
You would think it would be difficult to differentiate yourself by recommending payment options. They're a commodity. Everyone can provide a cash purchase price or a $1 buyout lease. This makes it easy for customers to shop. They shop for the lowest price, causing you to take yours lower and lower and having to shrink your profit margins. Read More
We surveyed customers who financed their recent premise, hosted, or hybrid IT equipment with TAMCO Shield and here is what they said... Read More
There are a variety of monthly payment options available for technology equipment. Each is designed to accomplish different things based on the need of the organization procuring the equipment. For example, you can find finance alternatives that allow you to finance to own, or finance to use, or finance with special options such as changing out the solution as needed. Read More
Jun 1, 2016 3:20:17 PM
Scott Morgan
CIOs and CFOs make major decisions about the voice, video, or data technology equipment their organization needs. But before the CIO begins requesting funds for essentially an investment that will only depreciate, understanding how the organization will pay or procure the technology is a critical decision making factor. Fortunately, there are flexible financial models outside of paying cash or ... Read More
Apr 26, 2016 3:22:19 PM
Scott Morgan
At first thought you may think financing is not truly a payment option that small businesses need or use all that frequently. After all, their technology needs are not as considerable in scope or cost as larger organizations. What is the benefit of financing a $7,000 phone system, or a $10,000 WiFi network upgrade, or other small ticket technology equipment? Most small businesses prefer to pay ... Read More
Almost every company, government agency, or commercial enterprise makes use of a variety of technology solutions. Until recently, many of those solutions have been "premised based" meaning the phone system PBX, the network routers and switches, the LAN/WAN servers, and other technology equipment has all been located within an organization’s offices. Read More
Sep 15, 2014 5:51:22 AM
Scott Morgan
As hosted PBX and cloud solutions continue to mature and gain adoption with commercial customers, many VARs still present an unnecessary challenge to customers evaluating this type of solution. That challenge is the requirement for an upfront payment for the handsets, router, and other necessary endpoint components. Read More