
In the Beginning...

In 1994 TAMCO set out to build a company that would make it easier for organizations to manage their technology needs and even easier for integrators to sell those solutions. Our founders, led by Jack Thompson, had a  background that was different from most – a blend of technology integration and finance leadership along with proven experience in sales and firsthand knowledge of the pain points within the sales process.

With this knowledge, TAMCO designed a finance offering and business model that addressed the pitfalls within cash and traditional lease procurement methods. The design of this finance offer was under the premise that most technology solutions are nonrevenue-generating assets and counter-intuitive to an after-tax cash sale. In addition, it was very clear that technology was advancing at a pace faster than companies could manage.

The goal was to give customers a better way to pay with more control and flexibility as they entered in and out of technology lifecycles. At the same time, this new offering would give integrators easier ways to sell services with those technologies while shortening the selling cycle.

TAMCO started and aligned with business phone system dealers, integrators, and manufacturers to sell this new offering through the old school channel sales model as opposed to customers directly. It was a natural fit having the technology sales background from the company’s leadership.

Recognizing Change & The Need to Pivot

After a successful two decades, TAMCO started to recognize some warning signs. There was a downward trend of premise-based phone systems giving way to hosted and cloud technologies. The model and value that TAMCO created was not suited well with the new cloud and hosted phone solutions, so TAMCO had to make a significant pivot. We leaned on our partner network and closely watched as many companies that sold phone systems struggled with smaller projects and tighter margin sales.  They began to offer additional technology solutions including physical security and audiovisual systems.

It was slow at first, but TAMCO began to see a pattern and a relevant transition. As it turns out, our model and the timing was perfect for both security and AV sectors. Customers were struggling with the upkeep of technology and integrators were in need of a better way to deliver these comprehensive solutions.

Building New Channels

The good news was TAMCO had built significant expertise in channel sales over the last two decades; the bad news was our partner network was almost exclusively telephony integrators.  We had to build new channel relationships to survive. TAMCO has been aggressively identifying and pursuing companies and their leadership teams within the AV, security, and other technology sectors ever since. It was and still is daunting but made easier with a comprehensive and sustained approach. One that utilizes data mining, inbound marketing strategies, targeted content marketing campaigns, social media, trade show nurturing, and traditional cold calling. Apparently, it is not dead yet!

Are you Open to Change? written on a board with a business man on background


Profits Ahead sign with clouds and sky background


Present Day

Today TAMCO has reestablished its relevance and continues to enjoy the growth of its new channels and partnerships. Our payment programs help customers and integrators with a broad array of technology solutions that is expanding and now includes: security, AV, nurse call, E911, emergency management systems, network infrastructure, IoT, and more. We are fully committed to this new opportunity by leveraging the same principals learned over the past 25 years.

In addition, we are at a very interesting and exciting time as more and more customers are embracing the subscription consumption model across every type of technology solution. At the same time, the integrator community is aggressively looking for ways to protect their customers from the rapid movement of technology and seeking easier ways to build and sell meaningful services. TAMCO's model could not be a more perfect fit for all of these marketplace dynamics.

TAMCO Helps Integrators Pivot into As-A-Service

We have learned and advised that financing is just one piece to the puzzle to adopt an As-A-Service offering and make the pivot to building recurring revenue. First, it takes leadership that wants to pivot and change or enhance their culture. Second is looking at areas beyond just innovative financing. Compensation, training, marketing, and productizing services are all essential tactics to address the As-A-Service and recurring revenue model and strategy. These are all areas that TAMCO can provide value beyond our innovative finance offering and help integrators make this transition.



Telecom to Technology

As part of our commitment and newfound identity, TAMCO made a legal name change that made their marketing team happy. Why? There was no need to re-brand. The acronym TAMCO that stood for Telecommunication Asset Management Company is now more appropriately named, Technology Assets Management Company.

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Our Passion & Mission

To provide customers with a smart way to pay for technology & give integrators a better way to sell it.

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