TAMCO is not another commodity financing partner. We have 30 years of expertise, focused solely on the technology sector, helping system integrators and technology solution providers sell as-a-service solutions and build recurring monthly revenue for their businesses. Partnering with TAMCO helps you grow profit margins, differentiate from the competition, and meet customer demands. Discover how we are a partner committed to helping you truly make the pivot to a service sales model that builds recurring monthly revenue.
TAMCO's as-a-service subscription solution makes it easy to bundle in multiyear support and maintenance agreements as one monthly payment. Securing more SLAs creates more recurring monthly revenue (RMR) for your organization. Learn more about recurring monthly revenue here.
With TAMCO's support, our partners are able to offer customers real technology-as-a-service solutions and provide monthly subscription payment options while still generating the immediate upfront revenue needed for the solution sale. You can pay your vendors and sales reps just like you would with a cash payment.
There is no other technology-as-a-service offering available that can match TAMCO's. With enhanced exclusive features like the Solution Replacement Guarantee, Act of God, and our sales training and resources TAMCO partners have full access to this exclusive differentiation.
Our exclusive technology-as-a-service payment program helps prevent your solution from being viewed as a commodity where lowest cost becomes the driving focus. Protect your margins with TAMCO's TaaS by taking the spotlight off the price and place it on the added value of protection, flexibility, and control.
Partners that become proficient at positioning our technology-as-a-service monthly payments will increase their win ratios, maximize the use of their sales resources, preserve more margin in their wins, and secure more recurring revenue. Resulting in even greater profitability.
Our as-a-service solution helps integrators sell more multiyear service contracts. Since these are higher margin sales that build recurring revenue, having this contractual business and quantifiable future revenue projections adds to the business valuation when a business owner is in the market to sell their enterprise.
The marketplace is too competitive for you to try to survive on sporadic one-time project-based sales. Building a base of customers that stick with you is critical. TAMCO's TaaS payment program gives customers a good reason to work with your organization well into the future.
Our as-a-service payment option can be offered for all of your customer’s technology needs. As well as bundling support and services. This allows you to maximize your depth, breadth, and value to customers. Equating to longer relationships and maximizing revenue from those sales.
Many integrators and solution providers cannot absorb the equipment costs of the shift to everything-as-a-service. TAMCO helps you overcome these challenges with our exclusive technology-as-a-service solution in order to sell in sync with these market changes.