Jan 22, 2019 10:47:19 AM by: Jill Duran

Even just an average investor is smart enough to know that they should not put their money into an asset that will ultimately lose value. But day after day companies feel this need to own everything. What is with this “MINE” mentality?

What good is it to pay for something that in the end will not be worth a dime to your business?

More specifically think about all of the security surveillance type technology equipment you need today.  Cameras for indoor and outdoor use, digital video recorders, video encoders or decoder equipment, video management software, video surveillance storage devices, analytics software, and any other type of security technology equipment. This stuff depreciates faster than you can install it.

Every company is different and has its own reasoning for why they chose to own technology equipment for their operation. However, after helping businesses pay for their solutions for 25 years, we have developed a payment program that is far superior to a traditional way of financing. TAMCO Shield is a payment option that fits a more sensible model of acquiring technology solutions like security equipment. It works like a termed rental agreement, allowing you to pay for your technology only while it fits your needs.

Here are 5 reasons choosing Shield over any other type of procurement is an ideal fit for most businesses.

  1. Technology Obsolescence Protection. 

    Shield has a Solution Replacement Guarantee clause. This protects you from having to be stuck with equipment that does not fit your needs. If at ANY time during the term of your contract your equipment does not fit the needs of your operation or if something superior enters the market that will suit your business more effectively, we forgive your contract. Replace the technology. No balance to rollover. No hidden fees or penalties 

    (How VIZIO was protected from obsolescence)
  2. Act of God Coverage.

    If your technology incurs any damage or is destroyed as a result of a natural disaster, we will provide a reimbursement of up to $5,000 for out of pocket insurance deductible costs.

  3. Monthly Right to Use Fee.

    Like we talked about above, the focus here is to keep you from owning this depreciating asset. It is just not a smart investment of your cash. So you are paying a right to use fee why we absorb the risk of ownership.

  4. Bundle Multiyear Maintenance & Support.

    The low monthly payment makes bundling maintenance for the entire term simple and painless. Always have support so you are never without your needed technology equipment.

  5. End of Term Options.

    If you do keep your equipment for the duration of the contract we honor your commitment and work with you on the best end of term options. You could renew the contract, buy the equipment at a fair market value, or replace the equipment. You make this decision at the end of the contract, so you know what will work for your business at the time.

Use a payment option for security surveillance technology equipment that allows you to save your cash, protect your lines of credit, and provides you the peace of mind to know that you can adapt to change and continue to protect your assets and people.

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