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The Community Of Choice Chooses A Total Solution That Adheres To Their Vision

The Case 

In Alberta, Canada, the City of Spruce Grove strives to be on the forefront of technology and innovation to stay one step ahead of the rest. At one point, the city had undergone an amazing increase in development, which included the expansion of their telecommunications equipment.

Originally, the city was using an older Mitel platform, which included digital rather than IP phones. In order to accommodate their growth, a TAMCO partner suggested that they should look into a newer technology solution. Their older digital phones were not compatible with the new system they were considering, and the city was lacking the capital needed for an entirely new system.

With the lack of capital and a desire for flexibility, a cash purchase was just not an option for the City of Spruce Grove.

The Solution

A win-win alternative was proposed by the TAMCO partner that addressed the technology, business, and financial needs of the city. Turns out, TAMCO's Technology-as-a-Servic subscription solution could help them acquire the technology solution they desired while also allowing them to preserve capital and have the flexibility for any changes in the future.

Through the TAMCO Technology-as-a-Service program, the city's budget constraints were irrelevant due to the fact that Shield is a monthly rather than a capital expense (CAPEX) lease that shows up on the books. In addition, the City of Spruce Grove has peace of mind knowing that the Solution Replacement Guarantee (SRG) allows them to upgrade to new technology without penalty should their needs change.

The TAMCO Technology-as-a-Service program is a total solution that scores a home run for everyone at the City of Spruce Grove and allows them to continue to adhere to their vision of value, attitude, and quality amenities that make them "The Community of Choice."



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Video | Technology-as-a-Service

Video | Is Technology-as-a-Service The Same As A Lease?

TAMCO's Technology-as-a-Service Solution