Oct 19, 2020 9:45:00 AM
Jill Duran
One of my favorite quotes, even before the COVID chaos is, “adapt or die.” I love its jarring nature. Straight to the point! There is so much truth in those three words. Unfortunately, it’s exactly what most businesses and organizations are theoretically being faced with. Personally or professionally, the idea of becoming so comfortable with how things are that you stay in the same state and are ... Read More
Sep 18, 2020 3:46:49 PM
Scott Morgan
The U.S. economy remains unsettled during COVID-19. While many businesses have reopened, a majority continue to operate in limited capacity, either due to reduced occupancy numbers to follow COVID-19 safety guidelines, such as is the case for fitness facilities, restaurants and retailers, or because customers are not comfortable enough to fully return to their pre-COVID consumer habits. Read More