If time is money, are you maximizing yours? There’s nothing quite as miserable as spending countless hours, days, or months designing a solution for a prospect just to realize that all of your blood, sweat and tears… well, maybe not blood… were wasted on a cash-strapped and credit-less prospect.
We have seen it too many times, technology integrators have to change from their assumed cash sale to scramble to apply for a monthly payment option and then, OUCH! CREDIT DENIED.
How-To Avoid Credit Rejects!
There is, however, a proactive measure you can take to avoid situations like this happening to you—pre-qualify your prospects.
Pre-qualifying is a free service all TAMCO partners have access to. You can use it to gain knowledge about your prospect resulting in a smoother technology sale; it removes the end-of-sale panic many sales reps have experienced.
Top Reasons to Pre-Qualify Your Prospects
- Provides research about prospects financial health
- Prospect does not even have to know
- Does not touch credit
- Arms you will intelligence so you can better manage and control the sales process
- Allows quickest processing time when a customer is ready to advance
- Saves you time and heartache
It’s as Easy as 1-2-3!
Whether financing is a clear choice from the get go or not, pre-qualifying your prospect could mean the difference between wasting time and finalizing a sale.
What are you waiting for? Time is money people! Pre-qualify your prospects today. If you’re a TAMCO partner, it’s as easy as 1.2.3!
Step 1: Login to the TAMCO Partner Portal
Step 2: Click on tab 1.PRE-QUALIFY
Step 3: Fill out the short form
When you complete the form, TAMCO reviews the customer's financial health using publicly available information. As stated above, it does not touch a customer’s credit and they never have to know.
Partners Begin Pre-Qualifying Your Customers Here!