AV rep firms can now partner with TAMCO to earn added commission on the same sales their integrators are already doing. You essentially are helping integrators explore the growing interest in AV-as-a-service.
How Do You Earn More Money
When one of your integrators completes a transaction that includes a TAMCO AV as a Service payment option, you will earn commission. It doesn't matter if you represent the manufacturer being sold. Every single transaction, for the total of the entire transaction, you get commission.
Check Out More & See How You Can Double Your Commission Without More Work...
This is not about another product or manufacturer for you to represent. It involves a simple referral relationship program that can really help you and your integrators.
Ready to start earning more commission? Learn about the TAMCO's rep referral partner program by requesting an intro presentation to learn about TAMCO and how it all works. Start earning smarter.