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High Society Club Continues Providing Top Notch Service With A New Technology Solution

The Case 

Founded in 1883, the Capital City Club has traditionally been the center of Atlanta's social activity and has been a popular gathering place for the city's leading professional men. Because of its prestige, renovations, expansions, and improvements in member services are ongoing club goals. However, in order to keep up with the club charter, it was clear that making some technology changes was necessary.

Their old Nortel voice solution was not able to link all of their locations together, meaning each location required a separate phone number and voicemail. For a club with a history of such nobility, the solution just wasn't cutting it.

Not only was the phone equipment falling short, but it was discovered that the Capital City Club was overpaying for the solution. The management team was well aware of the potential cost savings they would receive with a new technology solution but wanted to keep their options open for unforeseen changes in their needs going forward.

The Solution

That's when TAMCO partner, Kelly Brannon, swooped in to save the day. Brannon knew the importance of linking all locations and providing one number and voicemail for all of the employees, while also preserving capital for other expenses. In order to achieve this, Brannon first proposed an Avaya IP Office phone system with Juniper routers, Extreme switches, and Paetec carrier services. This would increase communication efficiencies across the board, achieving all of Capital City Club's equipment goals. 

With the assistance of a TAMCO designated contact, Brannon suggested a payment option that would allow Capital City Club to preserve capital while keeping the flexibility in case their needs change in the future - TAMCO Shield. Shield, unlike traditional leases, is a termed rental with flexible options like the Solution Replacement Guarantee (SRG), manageable monthly payments, and peace of mind with Act of God coverage. Not to mention, TAMCO Shield is often the lowest cost payment method due to its off balance sheet (OPEX) financing and tax deductible payments, allowing Capital City Club to continue providing top quality service to its guests.

Capital City Club could now rest assured that with their new technology solution and smart how to buy procurement option, they can continue to provide excellent service to their members well into the future.

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