Technology-as-a-Service Blog

6 Things Technology Integrators are Doing During This Pandemic

Written by Jill Duran | Apr 27, 2020 5:30:00 PM

There are millions of us who have been sent home to carry the office torch. We are trying to do our best to keep working, school our kids, and keep our sanity. For many, this new work from home (WFH) normal has been a dream. However, there are those, while grateful to be able to continue earning a paycheck, may be really struggling. One thing to keep in mind, there is no wrong or right way of doing things right now. It is uncharted territory for everyone. However, just knowing what other WFH folks are up to can shine a little light, let you know that you’re not alone, you are probably doing better then you are giving yourself credit for, and there are some things you can be doing to optimize the time effectively.

Based on anecdotal information from conversations with different integrators in our partner network, we put together a list of things other integrators are doing during this period of slower activity to share with you. We hope this gives you some ideas, motivates you to continue on, or just puts your mind at ease that you’re doing great!

1. Actively seeking creative ways to connect

Whether through educational video calls, overdue follow ups, fun happy hour hangouts, etc. it seems like people are going above and beyond to stay connected on a professional and personal level. I know in the last few weeks I have spoken to more people over video calls than I ever would have even communicated with during a normal month. While it may not be the face to face scenario we crave, it is still fostering relationships and creative thinking to keep ourselves in good spirits. Small check-ins with co-workers, friends, family, bosses, etc. can help keep you grounded and energized.

2. Overdue Admin Tasks

You know those mundane, boring tasks you keep putting off? Inbox cleanouts, database updates, organizing your queues. You will never have time like this once we pick back up to normal life. It seems like more people are trying to get these tasks completed during these times so when things pick back up you are steps ahead and well organized to be able to take things on. What are some unglamorous tasks you know you’ve been avoiding? Those “if I had the time” tasks, try blocking out some time every day to knock them out. It will help you feel more organized and prepared.

3. Social Media

Social media is not just for sharing COVID-19 memes. Brush up that LinkedIn profile, share some insightful professional articles. I’ve noticed more professionals on Twitter and LinkedIn trying to insert themselves into critical conversations. While an alarming amount of Gen X & Y has downloaded Tik Tok and wasted hours of their lives away, there is still quality posting taking place on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Industry publications are putting out great content that is relevant to business right now and can help as we navigate the times. Stay tuned in! This is a great way to check out what other people and businesses are focused on during this time.

4. Education opportunities

Many integrators are using this time to expand their knowledge. Whether through live webinars or diving into free knowledge libraries, join other integrators in learning. It doesn’t have to be extensive. Find a 30 minute podcast or sign up for a free webinar on a topic that interests you. Every industry has resources that can help you become a better version of you! We encourage our partners to log into the partner portal and check out the TAMCO Academy & Resources tabs.

5. If Selling, Do So Creatively

Sales right now is hard. While not impossible, it will take the right finesse to move sales forward. Integrators who are progressing are the ones who know how to be empathetic, creative, and intuitive. Also, for many, budgets are shot. A lot of our partners are using their TAMCO partnership to help solve that pain point with our predictable monthly as-a-service option. It can help you solve the budget concerns, while adding value and standing out from the competition.

6. Prepare – plan – organize

Integrator partners are taking this time to look inward. They are planning, organizing, and preparing because things will not just open up one day. It is going to be an evolution and having the right strategy for your business will be critical. Things will not look the same as they did before the pandemic. It is going to take the businesses who can adapt and overcome to the new normal who will thrive in a post-pandemic world.

We hope this provides some ideas to help you optimize any new found free time and feel encouraged to get creative during this time of isolation. We are all in this together and will adapt and overcome to become stronger and more strategic.